Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)

Further Information on SSH Client Public-Key Authentication

The operator option replaces the key(s) for operator access (default); follow with the ‘append’ option to add the key(s).

For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, the oobm parameter specifies that the traffic will go through the out-of-band management interface. If this parameter is not specified, the traffic goes through the data interface. The oobm parameter is not available on switches that do not have a separate out- of-band management port. Refer to Appendix G, “Net- work Out-of-Band Management” in the Management and Configuration Guide for more information on out- of-band management.

show crypto client-public-key [<manager operator>] [keylist-str] [babble fingerprint]

Displays the client public key(s) in the switch’s current client-public-key file.

The babble option converts the key data to phonetic hashes that are easier for visual comparisons.

The fingerprint option converts the key data to hexadecimal hashes that are for the same purpose.

The keylist-strselects keys to display (comma-delimited list).

The manager option allows you to select manager public keys

The operator option allows you to select operator public keys.


copy usb pub-key file can also be used as a method for copying a public key file


to the switch.


