Product Documentation

About Your Switch Manual Set

N o t e

For the latest version of switch documentation, please visit any of the follow-


ing websites:



Printed Publications

The publication listed below is printed and shipped with your switch. The latest version is also available in PDF format, as described in the Note at the top of this page.

Quick Installation Card—Explains how to prepare for and perform the physical installation and connect the switch to your network.

Electronic Publications

The latest version of each of the publications listed below is available in PDF format on the ProCurve Web site, as described in the Note at the top of this page.

Installation and Getting Started Guide—Describes how to install hard- ware, and get started using the switch.

Management and Configuration Guide—Describes how to configure, manage, and monitor basic switch operation.

Advanced Traffic Management Guide—Explains how to configure traffic management features such as VLANs, MSTP, and QoS.

Multicast and Routing Guide—Explains how to configure IGMP fea- tures.

Access Security Guide—Explains how to configure access security features and user authentication on the switch.

IPv6 Configuration Guide—Describes the IPv6 protocol operations that are supported on the switch.

Release Notes—Describe new features, fixes, and enhancements that become available between revisions of the main product guide.
