Configuring Port-Based and User-Based Access Control (802.1X)


a port loses its authenticated client connection, it drops its membership in this VLAN. Note that with multiple clients on a port, all such clients use the same untagged, port-based VLAN membership.

Authentication Server: The entity providing an authentication service to the switch when the switch is configured to operate as an authenticator. In the case of a switch running 802.1X, this is a RADIUS server (unless local authentication is used, in which case the switch performs this function using its own username and password for authenticating a supplicant).

Authenticator: In ProCurve applications, a switch that requires a supplicant to provide the proper credentials before being allowed access to the network.

CHAP (MD5): Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.

Client: In this application, an end-node device such as a management station, workstation, or mobile PC linked to the switch through a point-to-point LAN link.

User-Based Authentication: The 802.1X extension in the switches covered in this guide. In this operation, multiple clients on the same port must individually authenticate themselves.

Guest VLAN: See “Unauthorized-Client VLAN”.

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol): EAP enables network access that supports multiple authentication methods.

EAPOL: Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN, as defined in the

802.1X standard.

Friendly Client: A client that does not pose a security risk if given access to the switch and your network.

MD5: An algorithm for calculating a unique digital signature over a stream of bytes. It is used by CHAP to perform authentication without revealing the shared secret (password).

PVID (Port VID): This is the VLAN ID for the untagged VLAN to which an 802.1X port belongs.

Port-Based Authentication: In this operation, the first client on a port to authenticate itself unblocks the port for the duration of the client’s 802.1X- authenticated session. The switches covered in this guide use port-based authentication.
