Web and MAC Authentication

Setup Procedure for Web/MAC Authentication

Syntax: [no] radius-server

[host < ip-address>] [oobm]

Adds a server to the RADIUS configuration or (with no) deletes a server from the configuration. You can configure up to three RADIUS server addresses. The switch uses the first server it successfully accesses. (Refer to “RADIUS Authentication, Authorization, and Account- ing” on page 5-1.)

For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, the oobm parameter specifies that the RADIUS traffic will go through the out-of-band management (OOBM) port.

[key < global-key-string >]

Specifies the global encryption key the switch uses with servers for which the switch does not have a server- specific key assignment (below). This key is optional if all RADIUS server addresses configured in the switch include a server-specific encryption key. (Default: Null.)

Syntax: radius-server host < ip-address> key <server-specifickey-string> [no] radius-server host < ip-address> key

Optional. Specifies an encryption key for use during authentication (or accounting) sessions with the specified server. This key must match the encryption key used on the RADIUS server. Use this command only if the specified server requires a different encryption key than configured for the global encryption key, above.

The no form of the command removes the key configured for a specific server.
