Security Overview

Getting Started with Access Security

The welcome banner appears and the first setup option is displayed (Operator password). As you advance through the wizard, each setup option displays the current value in brackets [ ] as shown in Figure 1-1.

Welcome to the Management Interface Setup Wizard

Current values are shown in brackets (Password entries must be entered twice and will appear as asterisks.)

This wizard will help you with the initial setup of the various management interfaces. The current values are shown in brack- ets[]. Type in a new value, or press <Enter> to keep the cur-

rent value. Press CTRL-C at any time to quit the wizard without

saving any changes. Press ? for help.



Type in a new




Operator password

[not configured]:

value to change a

setting, or press


Confirm password:

<Enter> to keep


the current


Manager password







Confirm password:






Restrict SNMP access to SNMPv3 only






SNMPv2 community name






SNMPv2 Community access level






Telnet enabled








SSH enabled








Web management enabled








Restrict Web access to SSL








Timeout for ssh/telnet sessions




Summary of current settings (displayed after last wizard option has been set)


















































Operator password













Manager password







Restrict SNMP access to SNMPv3 only


















SNMPv2 community name


















SNMPv2 Community access level


















Telnet enabled


















SSH enabled


















Web management enabled


















Restrict Web access to SSL


















Timeout for ssh/telnet sessions

















































































Do you want to save these changes?





To save these settings, press [Enter].

To cancel any changes, type [n] (for no), then press [Enter].

Figure 1-1. Example of Management Interface Wizard Configuration
