hard disk drive
Symptom | Problem | Solution |
PC seems to be locked up | Program in use has stopped | Use the Windows Task Manager to close any programs not |
and not responding. | responding to commands. | responding or to Restart the PC: |
| 1 Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys on the keyboard at the |
| same time. |
| 2 Select the program that is not responding, and click |
| End Task. |
| Or |
| Click Shut Down and then click Restart. |
| If this does not work, press the On button for 4 or more |
| seconds to turn off the PC. Then, press the On button. |
Hard disk drive error | Part of hard disk drive has | Press the Help ? button on the keyboard to open the Help & |
message displays. | failed or is about to fail. | Support Center, or refer to the Warranty & Support Guide |
| to contact Support for replacement details. |
hardware installation
Symptom | Problem | Solution |
A new device is not | Device driver is not | Install the device driver from the CD or diskette provided |
recognized as part of the | installed. | with the device, or download and install the driver from the |
system. |
| device manufacturer’s Web site. |
| You may need an updated driver for Windows XP. Contact |
| the device vendor directly for an update. |
| For HP peripherals, visit the HP Web site. Refer to the |
| Warranty & Support Guide for details. |
| Device connector is not | Ensure that the device is properly and securely connected |
| seated or connected | and that the pins in the connector are not bent down. |
| properly. |
| Cable(s) of new external | Ensure that all cables are properly and securely connected |
| device are loose, or power | and that the pins in the cable or connector are not bent. |
| cables are unplugged. |
| Power switch of new device | Turn off the PC, turn on the external device, and then turn |
| is not turned on. | on the PC to integrate the device with the PC system. |
| When the system advised | Restart the PC, and follow the instructions for accepting the |
| you of changes to the | changes. |
| configuration, you did not |
| accept them. |
| A Plug and Play card may | Deselect the automatic settings in the operating system for |
| not automatically configure | the card, and choose a basic configuration that doesn’t |
| when added if the default | cause a resource conflict. |
| configuration conflicts with | You can also reconfigure or disable devices to resolve the |
| other devices. | resource conflict. |
| |
New device does not work. | Cannot install new device | You must be logged in as the computer administrator to |
| driver. | install or uninstall a device driver. To switch users, click |
| Start, click Log Off, and then click Switch User; choose |
| the computer administrator user. (The computer |
| administrator is usually the user Owner.) |
troubleshooting 75