| Symptom | Call Center | Likely Cause | Comments | |
| (in order) |
| correctly. |
| Keyboard |
| Keyboard errors — | ∙ Send in for repair | ∙ | ∙ Damaged U10 | |
| 2 characters on a |
| ∙ | ∙ Shorted pins on | |
| keystroke instead |
| ∙ Keyboard | connectors | |
| of one |
| Keyboard errors — | ∙ Send in for repair | ∙ | ∙ Possible bad connector | |
| no response from |
| ∙ | solder joints | |
| key(s) |
| ∙ Keyboard |
| Keyboard doesn’t | ∙ Send in for repair | ∙ | ∙ Damaged U10 | |
| respond, audio |
| slow, battery |
| problems |
| Unit Hangs or |
| Won’t Boot up |
| Won’t boot up & | ∙ Verify known good | ∙ | ∙ Swap with reference CPU | |
| no display | power source | ∙ RAM module | to check. Replace | |
| ∙ Push reset button | ∙ | original CPU if not fixed. | |
| ∙ Try pulling RAM | ∙ | ∙ Make sure RAM is seated | |
| module and re- | ∙ | properly — remove and | |
| inserting |
| ||
| ∙ Send in for repair |
| Unit hangs at | ∙ Eliminate any s/w | ∙ | ∙ Possible burnt R92 hangs | |
| Win95 screen | configuration conflicts |
| up audio IC | |
| during boot | ∙ Send in for repair |
| Unit locks up after | ∙ Run BIOS upgrade | ∙ | ∙ Corrupt EEPROM — run | |
| program |
| BIOS upgrade | ||
| ∙ Send in for repair |
| Unit goes into | ∙ Send in for repair | ∙ | ∙ Damaged U10 | |
| suspend after |
| “Bridge controller” |
| message, won’t |
| resume |
| TrackPoint/Cursor |
| Cursor pointer | ∙ It is normal for the | ∙ Keyboard and | ∙ Be sure keyboards are | |
| drifts slightly. | cursor to drift slightly | palmrest. | tested with the correct | |
| as the circuit does |
| palmrest. The latest | |
| Cursor pointer | a self calibrate every | ∙ Mismatched | TrackPoint sensor (CTS) | |
| “flying” or drifting | once in a while | palmrest and | must match up with a | |
| excessively. | ∙ Send in for repair. | keyboard pair | CTS palmrest. | |
| Mismatched keyboards | |
| and palmrests result in | |
| the cursor moving | |
| Cursor moves in |
| in the opposite direction | |
| the opposite |
| of intended movement. | |
| direction of |
| ∙ Refer to Service Note | |
| TrackPoint |
| |
| movement |
| Miscellaneous |
| Loses time | ∙ Plug AC adapter into | ∙ | ∙ Refer to Service Note | |
| unit and let it charge | IC | ||
| for at least 24 hours. |