Network Troubleshooting
Problem: After you run the Wireless Setup Wizard from the HP
•You can print a diagnostic report that may help identify the problem. Run the Wireless Network Test from the HP
•If you entered your network name (SSID) manually using the Wireless setup Wizard, you may have not typed the name correctly. Run the Wireless Setup Wizard again, and make sure you type the network name correctly.
•If you are using the default network name (SSID) provided by your wireless router manufacturer, your HP All-
•The signal between your HP
•There may be inference from other devices preventing the HP
•Your wireless router may need to be power cycled. Turn off your wireless router for 30 seconds and then turn it back on. Then run the Wireless Setup Wizard on your HP
Problem: While you install the HP
•The HP
•Try temporarily disabling any firewall,
Problem: You see the error message Invalid WEP key or Invalid WPA passphrase when you run the Wireless Setup Wizard.
•You may have typed the WEP key or WPA passphrase incorrectly. These security keys are case sensitive and must be typed exactly. Make sure you have not accidently inserted blank spaces at the beginning or end.
•If you are using the default network name (SSID) provided by your wireless router manufacturer, your HP All-