programming hints
OpenGL performance hints
OpenGL performance hints
Hints provided in this section are intended to help improve your applications performance when using HP’s implementation of OpenGL.
display list performance
The topics covered here are areas where you can gain substantial improvements in program performance when using OpenGL display lists. Here is a list of the topics that are covered:
•geometric primitives
•state changes and their effects on display lists
•regular primitive data.
geometric primitives
Geometric primitives will typically be faster in a display list than by using immediate mode. Each display list should have numerous primitives to ensure good performance. As a general rule, larger primitives will be faster than smaller ones. Performance gains here can be dramatic. For example, it is possible that a single GL_TRIANGLES primitive with 20 or so triangles will render three times faster than 20 GL_TRIANGLES primitives with a single triangle in each one.
Due to the
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