Front and Rear Panel Features

Rear-Panel Features

c.Only one IF and Sweep Port option (Option A4J or Option AYX) can be installed at a time.

d.Only one demod option (Option BAA or Option 106) can be installed at a time.

e.The Frequency Extension Assembly comes standard with the Agilent E4404B, E4405B and E4407B.

f.Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Agilent Technologies under license.

g.Option 106 is required to make measurements in Bluetooth™ Measurement Personality (Option 228)


GPIB and parallel interface (Option A4H) is an optional interface. GPIB


supports remote analyzer operation. A parallel port is included for printing




RS-232 and parallel interface (Option 1AX) is an optional interface. RS-232


supports remote analyzer operation. A parallel port is included for printing






Printing is only supported from the parallel port.




IF, Video, and Sweep Ports (Option A4J or Option AYX): (Refer to the


specifications guide for more information.)


SWP OUT provides a voltage ramp corresponding to the sweep of the


analyzer (0 V to 10 V).


HI SWP IN (TTL) can be grounded to stop and reset the sweep. Once the sweep


has been stopped, removing the ground will trigger the start of a new sweep.


HI SWP OUT (TTL) is high when the analyzer is sweeping.


AUX VIDEO OUT provides detected video output (before the analog-to-digital


conversion) proportional to vertical deflection of the trace. Output is from 0


V to 1 V. Amplitude-correction factors are not applied to this signal.


AUX IF OUT is a 50 Ω , 21.4 MHz IF output that is the down-converted signal


of the RF input of the analyzer. Amplitude-correction factors are not applied


to this signal. This output is taken after the resolution bandwidth filters and


step gains and before the log amplifier.


NOTE Only one IF and Sweep Port option (Option A4J or Option AYX) can be installed at


a time.




FM Demod (Option BAA) demodulates, displays, and measures deviation on


FM signals. You can listen to audio signals on a built-in speaker or with an


earphone. Refer to “Det/Demod” and “FM Demodulation (Option BAA)” in the


Options chapter for more information.


Bluetooth FM Demodulation (Option 106) demodulates, displays and measures


deviation on Bluetooth signals. Refer to “Det/Demod” and “Bluetooth FM


Demodulation (Option 106)” in the Options chapter for more information.


Frequency Extension Assembly controls the microwave front-end


components in the Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B.

Chapter 2