Viewing Catalogs and Saving Files
File Menu Functions
b.Type: column displays the extension of the filename, for example, .SET, .STA,
.TRC. Directories are displayed as DIR and drives have nothing listed under Type:.
They are only designated by the Name: column
c.Size: column displays the size of the file in bytes.
d.Modified: column displays the date and time the last change occurred.
3.The softkey menu has four options:
a.Type: allows you to choose the type of file you wish to view. (You may view all types by using the All key under Type.)
b.Sort: Under the Sort key, you can sort by any of the four columns and you can choose up (ascending) or down (descending).
c.Dir Up: moves you up one directory level. If you are already at the top level, this key moves you up to the drive level, displaying the available disk drives.
d.Dir Select: moves you down into the highlighted directory or up into the next level
(directory or drive) if the “. .” under the Name: column is highlighted.
NOTE | Navigation keys: Use the |
| Select keys to move around in the directory information box. |
4.The drive space line shows the number of bytes used on the drive and the number of bytes still free on the drive.
Creating a directory
Directories and
C:drive. This allows maximum flexibility in organizing files. For this example, we will create a directory on the C: drive.
1.Press File, More 1 of 2, Create Dir. Your screen should look similar to Figure
2.Navigate through the file system until the Path: field displays C:\. (Use the Step Keys, Knob, Dir Up, and/or Dir Select keys.)
3.Press Name and enter the name, “START” using the Alpha Editor. (The numeric keypad is also available for the filename.) Press Enter (hardkey) when the Dir Name: field contains this directory title. (Use the Bk Sp hardkey on the front panel to make corrections.)
4.Press Create Dir Now to execute the operation. The message: Creating Directory
appears on the screen. Then the status bar displays: Directory C:\START created.
5.To make a
Chapter 4 | 55 |