14.11.2 Backtrace Support for Thread Debugging

The following commands are available as backtrace support for thread debugging:


The bt command provides the stack trace of the


current thread that is being executed or the thread


that accepts the signal in case of a core file.

thread apply all bt

You can use the thread apply all bt command


to display the backtrace of all threads. The bt


command only provides the stack trace of the


current thread under execution.


The backtrace_other_thread command prints


the backtrace of all stack frames for a thread with


stack pointer SP, program counter PC and address


of gr32 in the backing store BSP. This command


enables you to view the stack trace when the stack


is corrupted. When using this command, you must


ensure that the SP, PC, and BSP values are valid.


The syntax for the backtrace_other_thread


command is as follows:


backtrace_other_thread SP PC BSP

14.11.3 Advanced Thread Debugging Support

Advanced thread debugging support is available for multi-threaded applications running on HP-UX 11iv2, or HP-UX 11iv3.

HP WDB 5.5 and later versions provide advanced thread debugging features to display extended information on the state of pthread primitives such as mutexes, read-write locks and conditional variables.

HP WDB 5.6 and later versions provide advanced thread-debugging options to detect the following thread-related conditions:

The thread attempts to acquire a non-recursive mutex that it currently holds.

The thread attempts to unlock a mutex or a read-write lock that it has not ac- quired.

The thread waits (blocked) on a mutex or read-write lock that is held by a thread with a different scheduling policy.

Different threads non-concurrently wait on the same condition variable, but with different associated mutexes.

The thread terminates execution without unlocking the associated mutexes or read-write locks.

The thread waits on a condition variable for which the associated mutex is not locked.

182 HP-UX Configuration-Specific Information