The frame under which the expression should be evaluated can be specified by frame-addr. A '*' indicates that the current frame should be used.

expression is any expression valid on the current language set (must not begin with a '*'), or one of the following:

'*addr', where addr is the address of a memory cell

'*addr-addr' ― a memory address range (TBD)

'$regname' ― a CPU register name


This operation returns the name, number of children and the type of the object created. Type is returned as a string as the ones generated by the GDB CLI:


The -var-delete command


-var-delete name

Deletes a previously created variable object and all of its children.

Returns an error if the object name is not found.

The -var-set-format command


-var-set-format name format-spec

Sets the output format for the value of the object name to be format-spec.

The syntax for the format-specis as follows:


{binary decimal hexadecimal octal natural}

The -var-show-format command


-var-show-format name

Returns the format used to display the value of the object name.

format format-spec

The -var-info-num-children command


-var-info-num-children name

21.14 GDB/MI variable objects 357