frame_count=no_frames (or) set heap-check frame-count <no_frames>

Sets the number of frames to be printed for leak context.

min_heap_size=block_size (or) set heap-check min-heap-size <block_size>

min_leak_size=block_size (or) set heap-check min-leak-size <block_size>


scramble_blocks=onoff (or) set heap-check scramble <on/off>

Sets the minimum block size to use for heap reporting.

Sets the minimum block size to use for leak detection.

Specifies the name of the output data directory.

Enables block scrambling.

Batch mode leak detection stops the application at the end, when libraries are being unloaded, and invokes HP WDB to print the leak or heap data.

NOTE: It is incorrect usage to use spaces before or after the '=' symbol in the batch mode configuration options in the configuration file, rtcconfig. Additionally, it is incorrect usage to use spaces before the batch mode configuration options.

For example:

Correct Usage:

$ cat rtcconfig check_leaks=on check_heap=on files=batchrtc4


Incorrect Usage:

$ cat rtcconfig check_leaks=on check_heap = on files=batchrtc4


Steps for Batch Mode Memory Debugging

To use batch memory debugging, complete the following steps:

1.Compile the source files.

2.Create an rtcconfig file in the current directory.

3.Dene an environment variable BATCH_RTC. If you are using the Korn or Posix shell, enter the following command at the HP-UX prompt:

export BATCH_RTC=on

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HP gnu source-level debugger 5992-4701 manual Framecount=noframes or set heap-check frame-count noframes