are executed repeatedly as long as the expression


evaluates to true.

document commandname

Document the user-defined command commandname,


so that it can be accessed by help. The command


commandname must already be defined. This


command reads lines of documentation just as define


reads the lines of the command definition, ending


with end. After the document command is finished,


help on command commandname displays the


documentation you have written.


You may use the document command again to change


the documentation of a command. Redefining the


command with define does not change the



help user-defined

List all user-defined commands, with the first line of


the documentation (if any) for each.

show user, show user

Display the GDB commands used to define


commandname (but not its documentation). If no


commandname is given, display the definitions for


all user- defined commands.

When user-defined commands are executed, the commands of the definition are not printed. An error in any command stops execution of the user-defined command.

If used interactively, commands that would ask for confirmation proceed without asking when used inside a user-defined command. Many GDB commands that normally print messages to say what they are doing omit the messages when used in a user-defined command.

18.2 User-defined command hooks

You may define hooks, which are a special kind of user-defined command. Whenever you run the command foo, if the user-defined command hook-fooexists, it is executed (with no arguments) before that command.

In addition, a pseudo-command, stop exists. Defining (hook-stop) makes the associated commands execute every time execution stops in your program: before breakpoint commands are run, displays are printed, or the stack frame is printed.

For example, to ignore SIGALRM signals while single-stepping, and treat them normally during normal execution, you could define:

define hook-stop handle SIGALRM nopass end

define hook-run handle SIGALRM pass

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HP gnu source-level debugger 5992-4701 manual User-defined command hooks