Using the ProCurve Web Browser Interface
Web Configuration
| Port Mirroring |
| You can mirror (copy) incoming and outgoing packets on multiple source |
| ports to a single target port for |
| network analyzer or RMON probe to the target port and study the traffic |
| crossing the source ports in a completely unobtrusive manner. |
| Field Attributes |
| Port to Mirror to |
| • Port to Mirror to – The port that will be use to “mirror” another |
| port’s incoming and outgoing packets. Data packets will be dropped |
| when data coming in is greater than the port can handle. |
N o t e | If the total ingress bandwidth exceeds the mirror port’s egress bandwidth, |
| packets will eventually be dropped on ingress to the switch, which means they |
| will not reach the mirror port or their intended destination port. Input rate- |
| limiting in conjunction with port |
| the total ingress bandwidth never exceeds the egress bandwidth. |
Ports to Mirror
•Mirroring Enabled – A port whose traffic will be monitored. If enabled, the incoming and outgoing packets on this port will be mirrored. (Default: Disabled)
Web ProCurve the Using Interface Browser