Using the ProCurve Web Browser Interface

Using the ProCurve Web Browser Interface

Web Configuration

Reboot Switch

Reboots the switch if the switch stops responding or functioning. This operation will not change any switch configuration settings. To reboot the switch, click APPLY. The reboot will be complete when the user interface displays the login page.

Web – Click Diagnostics, Reboot Switch.


Upload/Download Configuration


Upload or download the switch system configuration file. Click to select either


the “Upload” or “Download” box. If you click on “Upload,” then click on the


“Browse” button to select the configuration file. If you click on “Download,”


you will be prompted to save your file. Please enter a name for the


configuration file. Finally, press the APPLY button to upload or download the


configuration file.



N o t e

After you have completely finished configuring the switch settings, it is


important to download the configuration file. You can use this saved


configuration file to restore the switch settings at a later point if the switch


settings have been changed or restored to the default settings.



Field Attributes

Operation – To upload or download the configuration file.

Configuration File – Click on the “Browse” button to select the configuration file. (Only available for the upload operation.)
