Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
| The HP Display LiteSaver | Confirm that the HP Display |
| may not be compatible | LiteSaver is compatible with |
| with your computer | your system. |
| system. | 1. |
| Some notebook | |
| Display LiteSaver icon | |
| computers are not | in the system tray. |
| compatible and the | 2. Select “Power Off |
| monitor power can not | |
| Display” from the | |
| be controlled. | |
| menu. | |
| |
| The monitor screen should |
| turn off if the system is |
| compatible. To turn the |
| monitor back on, wait 5 |
| seconds and move the |
| mouse. |
| ✎ If the monitor did |
| not turn off, then |
| your computer |
| graphics driver is |
| not compatible |
| with the HP |
| Display LiteSaver |
| software. |
The monitor is off but | The monitor’s power | Check the monitor’s OSD |
it did not seem to | saving control is | menu setting for power |
enter into a | disabled. | saving enable/disable |
| controls. The control should | |
mode. |
| be set to enable to allow the |
| monitor to enter into |
| |
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