The following parameters are available for the disk flushing program (n refers to a numeric parameter in the range specified by the option description):


Verbose - issues constant status messages.


Specifies a path and file to log messages. If -fis not


specified, messages are displayed on the line that started the


disk flushing program.


Number of data sections. The data space is divided into a


number of actual sections (represented by the numeric


parameter) spread across all drives. The default value is 60;


the range is 15 to 300.


Sleep time in milliseconds between the flushing of data


sections. For example, parameter -s2000would sleep 2


seconds between data sections. The default is 1 sec; the


range is 0.25 to 15 sec.


Number of workspace sections. Within the workspace, each


level 0 drive is divided into a number of sections represented


by the numeric parameter. This yields a x b (where a


represents the number of workspace sections and b


represents the number of primary drives). The default is 10;


the range is 5 to 50.


Sleep time in milliseconds between workspace slices. For


example, parameter -t100would sleep 100 milliseconds


between workspace sections. The default is 0.10 sec; the


range is 0.10 to 1 second.


Number of loops through data space before a full flush. The


default is 15; the range is 0 to 300. Zero suppresses the full



NOTE: The approximate data flushing time is given by d x s (where d is the number of data slices and s is the sleep time between data slices). The approximate work flushing time is given by

w x t x p drives (where w represents the number of workspace sections, t represents the sleep time between flushing workspace sections, and p represents the number of primary drives).

To increase the ability to control redundant workspace flushing, a new parameter has been added to the config.ovf file in the mvEnterprise home directory. This file overrides the default values for the sizes of the

mvEnterprise Release 4.1 on AIX

Installation Guide

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HP Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise manual MvEnterprise Release 4.1 on AIX Installation Guide