2. Turn on the AIX Command Stacker.
To activate the
set -o emacs
Use Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N keystrokes to scroll backwards and forwards through existing commands.
Apply any changes.
Press the Enter key, which executes the currently displayed command.
To activate the
set -o vi
vi starts in input mode. To type a command, press ESCAPE first to enter edit mode. Use K and J keys to scroll backwards and forwards through existing commands.
Apply any changes.
Press the Enter key, which executes the currently displayed command.
If you are familiar with either the emacs or vi editor, you may wish to add one of the above commands to root’s .profile file so that the desired command line editor is activated every time you login as root.
3. Activate the AIX man Pages.
AIX provides online documentation for its commands using the standard UNIX man facility. The hypertext files used by man are normally located on a
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