Voice Memo
A maximum of 30 seconds of audio can be recorded as a memo for captured photos.
To record voice memo:
1.Press the Playback button on the camera.
2.Press Left/Right key on the navigation control to scroll and select a photo to attach voice memo to.
3.Press the MENU button to launch the Playback menu.
4.Select Voice Memo.
5.Select Start, then press the OK button to start recording.
6.Press the OK button again to stop recording.
Time left (n seconds) for recording.
When you record voice memo to a photo with an existing voice memo, the old recording file would be replaced by the new one.
Color Mode
The Color Mode function lets you adjust edit photos to apply different colors or tones for a more artistic effect. Edited photos in this function are saved as a new file.
To activate Color Mode:
1.Press the Playback button on the camera.
2.Press Left/Right key on the navigation control to scroll and select a photo to edit.
3.Press the MENU button to launch the Playback menu.
4.Select Color Mode. The Color Mode submenu appears.
5.Press Left/Right key on the navigation control to scroll and select an option. As you move through the selection, the preview on the LCD monitor changes synchronously.
The succeeding table shows the available settings.
Icon | Item | Description | ||
| Off | No effect is added to the photo. |
| Sepia | Photo is saved with a sepia tone. |
| B&W | Photo is saved in black and white. |
| Vivid Red | Photo is saved with reddish tint. |
| Vivid Green | Photo is saved with greenish tint. |
| Vivid Blue | Photo is saved with bluish tint. |
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