Media Rotation Types
Data Protector Express provides several default media rotation types. These types can be used as is or as examples for creating custom rotations.
NOTE: Each media set may contain more than one tape or media. Several factors determine
how much media you will need: the type of backup being performed (for example full, differential, incremental), the amount of data to be backed up during a full backup, and the media's storage capacity. If the total size of a full backup is larger than the capacity of the tape, additional tapes are required. Your historical usage is the best guide to determining how many tapes these jobs will require.
No Rotation Type
When no rotation type is selected, you may schedule the days to run, but Data Protector Express will not manage the media. You must ensure that the necessary tapes are available each time the job runs and manage the reuse of older media.
Fixed Rotation Types
Media sets are named for the interval run, following the form [Interval] Set [number].
Fixed by day of week
An example of a daily media set is “First Monday.”
Fixed by week of month
An example of a weekly media set is “First Week of the Month.”
Fixed by day of month
An example of a monthly media set is “First Month.” An example of a yearly media set is “Yearly 1.”
Fixed by day of year
An example of a yearly media set is “First Day of Year 1.”
Daily Append
This is a special rotation designed for organizations with a single backup device. It is the only rotation that appends data to media. It will perform a full backup on the specified day followed by daily incrementals on the remaining weekdays. At the end of the rotation, you must insert new media for the job to use. This rotation assumes that an entire week of backups will fit on a single media.
Simple and GFS Rotation Types
These rotation types specify combinations of full and incremental backups that efficiently use a specific number of media sets. The main difference between the Simple and the GFS rotations are that only the GFS rotations specify Yearly backups.
Select this option to create your own rotation.
TIP: You can select a rotation similar to the desired rotation prior to selecting the custom rotation type and the values from the previously selected rotation will remain as a starting place. The Calendar view is very helpful when creating custom rotations.
38 Scheduling, Rotations, and Media Management