5.Select the Configuration command to display the Configuration page.
NOTE: HP recommends that you use the default values on the Configuration page.
User name Data Protector Express sends this name to Microsoft SQL Server whenever the SQL administrator user name is required. Type the Microsoft SQL administrator name in this field. The default is sa.
Password Data Protector Express sends this SQL administrator password to Microsoft SQL Server with the SQL administrator’s user name whenever required. There is no default value.
Force Modes The Backup mode setting of a backup job affects Microsoft SQL Server database instances differently than file types. The Force modes settings control how Data Protector Express backs up the database instances.
NOTE: The settings here are only applicable to Microsoft SQL Server database instances; all other file types are backed up in the job’s default mode. For example, if the Backup mode of a job is set to Incremental and the Force modes setting for incremental jobs is set to Full, Data Protector Express will back up the SQL Server database instance in Full mode, but all other file types in Incremental mode.
TIP: You can use this feature to ensure that the databases in the instance are always backed up in full mode, but that other files are only backed up when changed. This guarantees the greatest security for the most crucial files that is, the SQL Server database instances, while not making jobs unnecessarily large by not backing up the entire network that is, by backing up only the changed files.
Full When the Backup mode of a job is set to Full, Data Protector Express checks this setting to see how the job should be run with SQL database instances. Full is the only possible setting, so the database instances will be backed up in this mode. In this case, both the databases and the transaction logs are backed up.
Differential When the Backup mode of a job is set to Differential, Data Protector Express checks this setting to see how the job should be run with SQL database instances. By default, Data Protector Express runs the jobs as an incremental job and so only the transaction logs are backed up.
NOTE: There is no distinct Differential job mode for SQL Sever database instances.
If you want jobs with a Differential backup mode to back up both the database and the transaction logs, change this setting to Full. In this case, Data Protector Express will treat the SQL Server database instances as if it were running a job in Full backup mode.
Incremental When the Backup mode of a job is set to Incremental , Data Protector Express checks this setting to see how the job should be run with SQL databases. By default, Data Protector Express runs the jobs as an incremental job and so only the transaction logs are backed up.
If you want jobs with an Incremental backup mode to back up both the database and the transaction logs, change this setting to Full. In this case, Data Protector Express will treat the SQL Server database files as if it were running a job in Full backup mode.
Backing up Microsoft SQL Server
Two additional concerns are present when you back up SQL Server database instances: setting the Backup mode of a job to either Full, Incremental, or Differential; and configuring Data Protector Express to work with SQL Server’s default backup routine.
Working with Microsoft SQL Server 51