In This Book

Without options, the restart command restarts the target program using the same arguments speci￿ed in the previous invocation. Use the -argsoption if you want to specify di￿erent arguments in the target program invocation.

For example, the following command restarts the currently running target program, replacing previously speci￿ed arguments with the argument -s:

restart -args -s

Interrupting a Running Program

When the PC Location indication is Running . . . , your program has control, and you cannot interact with the debugger. (A small clock animation is also displayed.) Any commands to the debugger (except commands that restart, kill, or unload your program) will be queued until your program returns control to the debugger.

Selecting 4Interrupt Program5 will ￿ush any queued commands and return control to the debugger.

If you interrupt your program while it is executing code that was compiled with the debug options on, you can continue working just as if you had encountered a breakpoint at that location. A PC arrow appears in the annotation margin and the source for the code is displayed. At this point the PC Location shows a valid location and you can enter debugger commands.

Interrupting in System or Nondebuggable Routines

If you interrupt the program while it is executing some system-supplied routine, or while it is executing a routine that was compiled without debugging information, the PC Location ma y consist of a virtual address. The source ￿le display area will be cleared to indicate that no source is available.

You cannot examine local v ariables or step through statemen ts. You can only step by assembly instructions, and examine other procedures on the call stac k.

You can run the nondebuggable routine un til it reac hes the point where it returns to its calling procedure b y selecting 4Continue Out 5. You can continue

2-10 Compiling, Loading, and Executing the Target Program