In This Book

critical p oint

The instruction in the object code at which the most important action accomplished by a given source statement takes place. The critical point instruction is usually the instruction where a data value may change. Not every source code statement has a critical point; some statements have more than one critical point. Statemen ts likely to have a critical point include assignment statements and function calls.

critical points location mapping

In optimized code, a location mapping that maps a source statement to the critical point for that statement.

current environment See environment.

Current Location

The location at which the debugger's attention is currently focused. The debugger uses the Current Location in the source code to determine, among other things, what source code to display and what block to use as the debugger's scope. The Current Location is also called the current


current point of execution

Program location where execution stopped. The statement at this location will, by default, be the next statement to be executed when execution resumes. Same as PC Location.


The insertion p oint for text. The default cursor is a blinking vertical bar (on color displays) or a double wedge (on monochrome displays).

Also called the text cursor.

dead code

One or more lines of source code that the optimizer has eliminated from the executable program because it is nev er actually executed.

Debugger Output Area

An area of the main debugger windo w that displa ys debugger commands and debugger messages.
