In This Book

Fully Qualified Names

A fully quali￿ed name identi￿es all blocks that enclose the object.

To identify ob jects, the debugger uses fully quali￿ed names in the following format:

nmodulen[block[nblock. . .]]nobject name

where module is a module or a top-level name.

In Pascal, module is speci￿ed by the module keyword. In C, module is the source ￿le name with the .c extension removed. In FORTRAN, modules do not exist, so a top-level name is the routine nameMAIN, a program name, or a subroutine.

Specifying a fully quali￿ed name is useful for avoiding ambiguity, when you want to reference an object that is not visible from the current environment.

Use the list blocks command to display the fully quali￿ed names for all the blocks in the target program.

For example, Figure 7-2 shows a target program in C compiled from two modules, m1.c and m2.c.


Identifying Program Objects 7-7