In This Book

Resolving Case Sensitivity

Debugger commands and options are not case sensitive. Arguments to commands are case sensitive. Therefore, the debugger considers the command

debug -output temp my_prog

to be the same as

DEBUG -OUTPUT temp my_prog

but di￿erent from

debug -output temp MY_PROG

Programming language expressions are case sensitive if the current language is case sensitive. If your current language is not case sensitive and you want to refer to another part of the program that is case sensitive, you must ￿rst reset your language using the property language command. See the online command reference for more information on the property language command.

Commands that have a -languageoption eliminate the need to reset your language with the property language command. The -languageoption allows the command to use a language other than the current one to parse or evaluate an expression. The print and set commands, for example, can be invoked with the -languageoption.

5-4 Using Debugger Commands