In This Book

Table 5-1. Reserved Identifiers and Special Macros

Reserved Identi￿ers and


Special Macros





1Speci￿es debugger commands that the debugger


executes after invoking the target program. See the


debug command entry in the online command


reference for details.




1Speci￿es debugger commands that the debugger


executes if the target program faults.




Identi￿es an overloaded C++ function. See online


help on C++ debugging for details.




1Identi￿es the appropriate assembly language


manager for the target machine. De￿ned in the


target manager startup ￿le.




1Contains the most recently entered command


string. A command string can be a single debugger


command or several debugger commands separated


by semicolons. All characters up to the carriage


return will be repeated.




1Speci￿es debugger commands that the debugger


executes when you enter 4Return5 on an empty


command line. By default, `cr is set to `command


which causes the most recently entered command to


be invoked.




Speci￿es the outer block where the debugger stores


variables that you create using the declare


command. You can use `declared to refer explicitly


to variables created with declare .



1 Indicates that the entry is a macro.

5-12 Using Debugger Commands