User Interface Managers

This chapter describ es the managers that enable the debugger to provide


di￿erent user interfaces. Consult this chapter for information speci￿c to the


user interface managers, such as the value of the ui


type argument to the dde




command option -ui.







The debugger supports the graphical user interface, line-mo de user interface,


and SoftBench managers.




This chapter provides the following information about each manager:


Type Name

Identi￿es the name used for the manager as installed.



Contains the name that the manager uses to identify



itself. To list the titles of the managers currently



loaded, use the version command. The following is an



example of the output:





dde, version 4.0





User interface manager ui_gui: GUI-Mode UI, version 4.0



Target manager tgt_hpux_pa: HP-UX PA-RISC, version 4.0 DBGK 4.0



Object manager obj_som_som: HP SOM, version 4.0



Language manager lang_c: ANSI C, version 4.0





In the output of the preceding version command, the



user interface manager title is GUI-Mode

UI. The type



name is ui_gui .





Brie￿y describes what the manager does and does not








Describes the syntax of debugger command argumen ts



such as expression , declaration, and address that



vary among the managers. The manager








argument represents options y ou can specify with the


User Interface Managers E-1