Table 6-21 SASL options




Specifies SASL options. The format is -osaslOption=value. saslOption can have one


of six values:


mech, the SASL authentication mechanism


authid, the user who is binding to the server (Kerberos principal)


authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the server since proxy authorization is not




secProp, the security properties


realm, the Kerberos realm




The expected values depend on the supported mechanism. The -ocan be used multiple times


to pass all the required SASL information for the mechanism. For example:


-o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" -o "authid=test_user"



See “ldapsearch SASL options” for the ldapsearch utility for information on how to use SASL options with the ldappasswd command.

6.7.5 ldappasswd examples

The following examples show how to perform various tasks using the ldappasswd command.

210 Command-line utilities