Any schema loaded from another directory must be copied into the schema directory or the schema will be lost when the server.

The schema reload task is initiated though the command line by creating a special task entry which defines the parameters of the task and initiates the task. As soon as the task is complete, the task entry it removed from the directory. For example:

dn: cn=example schema reload,cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config

objectclass: nsDirectoryServerTask cn:example schema reload schemadir: /tmp/schema

The cn=schema reload task entry is a container entry for schema reload operations. The cn=schema reload task entry itself has no attributes, but each of the task entries within this entry, such as cn=task_ID, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config, uses the schema reload attributes to define the individual reload task.

cn The cn attribute is used to identify a new task operation to initiate. The cn attribute value can be anything, as long as it defines a new task.



Entry DN

cn=task_name, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config



Valid Values

Any string



Default Value









cn: example reload task ID



schemadir This contains the full path to the directory containing the custom schema file.



Entry DN

cn=task_name, cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config



Valid Values

Any local directory path



Default Value









schemadir: /tmp/schema/ cn=memberof task,cn=tasks,cn=config

The memberOf attribute is created and managed by the Directory Server automatically to display group membership on the members' user entries. When the member attribute on a group entry is changed, all the members' associated directory entries are automatically updated with their corresponding memberOf attributes.

The cn=memberof task (and the related fixup-memberof.plscript) is used to create the initial memberOf attributes on the member's user entries in the directory. After the memberOf attributes are created, then the MemberOf Plug-in manages the memberOf attributes automatically.

The memberOf update task must give the DN of the entry or subtree to run the update task against (set in the “basedn” attribute). Optionally, the task can include a filter to identify the members' user entries to update (set in the “filter” attribute). For example:

dn: cn=example memberof, cn=memberof task, cn=tasks, cn=config

objectclass: nsDirectoryServerTask

110 Core server configuration reference