


"packet_uid": "2096432597",

"status": "OK",

"type": "TCP",



7.If the packet has reached the destined observation post , it means the connectivity is between the source and the end host is good.

For example, user sees the "status": "OK", // inference packet reached the observation above.

8.In case the destined observation post has not received the trace packet , it means it is being dropped by one of the intermediate hops.

9.Get the next hop by providing the source switch datapath id and packet uid and set the observation post on determined next hop. If it is unable to determine next hop , it implies that packet is being dropped at the given switch datapath id.

get /diag/packets/{packet_uid}/nexthops Parameters

packet_uid 2096432597 //uid from the create /register packet . Source switch dpid : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02

Output :


"nexthops": [


"dpid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01",

"port": "0x2"




10.Inject the packet on to the network.

11.Query the observation post.

12.Repeat step 7,8,9,10 to determine the switch data path ID where the packet is being dropped.

108 Troubleshooting