8.Replace your self-signed certificate in your serverKey entry with the signed certificate from your CA (signed.cer).

keytool -importcert -keystore keystore -file signed.cer -alias serverKey

9.If you are operating a team of controllers in your environment, turn off self-signing for inter-controller communication:

Under /opt/sdn/virgo/repository/usr, change the "selfsigned" value to false for the following component:


10.If you set up a different password than the default "skyline" password for your keystore, you will need to edit /opt/sdn/virgo/configuration/tomcat-server.xmland change the keystorePass value in the <Connector port="8443"…> tag to the new keystore password.

11.Start the controller. Continue to the next section if you are using a different keystore and truststore password than the default "skyline" password.

5.4 SDN Controller keystore and truststore locations and passwords

The SDN Controller keystore and truststore are referenced by several components, and thus need to be updated for these components:




To change these configuration of these components:

1.From the navigation menu, select Configurations.

2.Select one of the three components listed above.

3.Select Modify.

4.Repeat for the other two components.

64 SDN Controller authentication