
#Check for unzip package. command -v unzip &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

echo "The unzip package must be installed to use this script." exit 1


#Check the user specified script parameters.

if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then

echo "Usage : restoreTeam <user> <domain> [<ip1> <ip2> ...] <user@IP:path>" echo " <user> - user name to access the controller"

echo " <domain> - domain of the controller"

echo " [<ip1> <ip2> ...] - ip(s) of node(s) to be restored; if none are specified all nodes are restored" echo " <user@IP:path> - remote location to retrieve backup file"

echo " user - the login name for the system" echo " ip - the ip address of the system"

echo " path - where to copy the file from on the remote system" exit 1


create_restoreDir user="$1"

echo -n "Enter Controller Password: " read -s pass

echo domain="$2" file=""

if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then

teamBackup_log "Starting the team restore. This will restore all the nodes in a team." file=$3


teamBackup_log "Starting selective restore on specified IPs. This restore will happen only on the specified nodes."


selective_restore=1 for ip in "$@"; do restoreIp[$count]=$ip let "count = $count + 1" done

fileIndex=$(($# - 1))

file=${restoreIp[$fileIndex]} && unset restoreIp[$fileIndex] fi

#Upload the team backup file from the user specified location. scp $file $RESTORE_TEAM_DIR

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

teamBackup_log "Failed to upload team backup file to the node." exitBackup 1


#Unzip the team backup file.


#Validate the IP address of the node. validate_my_Ip

#Restore the node(s).

if [ $selective_restore -eq 1 ]; then restore_nodes ${restoreIp[@]}


restore_nodes ${backupIp[@]} fi


teamBackup_log "The team was restored successfully." exitBackup 0

130 Scripts