Configurations and controller teams

When controllers are operating in a team, configuration changes on one active controller propagate to the other active controllers in the team. About component keys

Each configuration component contains one or more component keys, each of which identify a configurable property of the component.

CAUTION: Inappropriate changes to key values can result in severely degraded system performance. For this reason, HP strongly recommends that managing the default key values be done only by experienced network administrators and programmers who have a strong understanding of SDN controller systems.

Information about each component key includes the current value, the default value, and a brief description. Where applicable, the range of suggested values is also included. Component key information

Information about the component keys are available from:

The Configuration screen of the controller UI.

The controller Configs REST API.

3.7.2Summary of configurable controller components Component

Component name com.hp.sdn.misc.AdminRESTComponent


The AdminRestComponent provides parameters for internal communication between SDN components and the Admin REST API of the controller.

Component keys

Information about the configurable component keys, including descriptions, current values, suggested ranges, and default values are available from:

The Configuration screen of the controller UI.

The controller Configs REST API. manager

Component name



The AlertManager controls the quantity of alert data present on the system by periodically checking for alert data to be deleted based on the configured age-out policy.

Component keys

Information about the configurable component keys, including descriptions, current values, suggested ranges, and default values are available from:

The Configuration screen of the controller UI.

The controller Configs REST API.

26 Navigating the controller user interface