See the OpenFlow documentation for the specific switch.

See the latest OpenFlow documentation for HP switches for details on how to configure passive/active mode (where applicable) and for how such switches behave if they lose their control-plane connection to the controller.

6.3.2 Configuring controller settings to support hybrid mode

Network-related settings on the controller must agree with the controlled switches. Failure to achieve agreement between the controller’s network-related settings and the settings in the controlled switches may result in unpredictable network behavior. Table 3 (page 75) lists the specific network-related controller settings that should agree with managed switches.

Table 3 Controller settings to support hybrid mode

Controller Configurations Component








Enable this setting if you



want your controller to



operate in hybrid mode



(service restart required).



NOTE: Path Diag Tool



will not work with flowmod



strict mode as that wasn’t



designed to allow PDT to



manipulate flow priority.


The age.multihop.links



when set to true makes



multihop.poll.interval valid.



So whatever interval is set



for this key becomes the



polling interval for



multi-hop links. Using



polling interval use can



control how fast the



multi-hop links need to be



purged from controller if



they are no longer active



in the network. If



age.multihop.inks flag is set



to false then multi-hop links



are not polled for their



liveliness and never get



purged from controller even



if they have gone down.






Flag indicating whether



multihop link aging is



enabled. Enable this setting



if there are switches in the



network that are not



controlled by the controller,



but the topology across



these switches must be



visible to the controller.



That is, if any controlled



OpenFlow switches in the



same OpenFlow instance



are separated by



non-OpenFlow switches,



use this setting.




6.3 Coordinating controller hybrid mode and OpenFlow switch settings 75