See the OpenFlow documentation for the specific switch.
See the latest OpenFlow documentation for HP switches for details on how to configure passive/active mode (where applicable) and for how such switches behave if they lose their
Table 3 Controller settings to support hybrid mode
Controller Configurations Component | Key | Comments |
com.hp.sdn.ctl.of.impl.ControllerManager | hybrid.mode | Enable this setting if you |
| want your controller to |
| operate in hybrid mode |
| (service restart required). |
| NOTE: Path Diag Tool |
| will not work with flowmod |
| strict mode as that wasn’t |
| designed to allow PDT to |
| manipulate flow priority. |
com.hp.sdn.disco.of.link.impl.OpenflowLinkDiscoveryComponent | multihop.poll.interval | The age.multihop.links |
| when set to true makes |
| multihop.poll.interval valid. |
| So whatever interval is set |
| for this key becomes the |
| polling interval for |
| |
| polling interval use can |
| control how fast the |
| |
| purged from controller if |
| they are no longer active |
| in the network. If |
| age.multihop.inks flag is set |
| to false then |
| are not polled for their |
| liveliness and never get |
| purged from controller even |
| if they have gone down. |
| age.multihop.links | Flag indicating whether |
| multihop link aging is |
| enabled. Enable this setting |
| if there are switches in the |
| network that are not |
| controlled by the controller, |
| but the topology across |
| these switches must be |
| visible to the controller. |
| That is, if any controlled |
| OpenFlow switches in the |
| same OpenFlow instance |
| are separated by |
| |
| use this setting. |
6.3 Coordinating controller hybrid mode and OpenFlow switch settings 75