3.14.4 Changing the enforcement levels for OpenFlow classes

To change the enforcement level the controller applies to applications sending flows to switches, change the value for the flow.mod.enforcement key of the com.hp.sdn.ctl.of.impl.ControllerManager configuration component.

For more information about configuration components, see “Configurations screen” (page 25).

For information about the enforcement levels the controller can apply, see “Controller enforcement levels for OpenFlow classes” (page 50).

3.15 Packet listeners display

The controller applications (and SDN applications) register packet listeners with the controller. The order of processing an incoming packet is determined by the roles (Advisor, then Director, then Observer), and then altitudes within a role (in decreasing value, with 0 the lowest altitude). An incoming packet (OpenFlow Packet-In message) is wrapped in a Message Context (which also holds a Packet-Out reply) which is passed to each packet listener in turn.

3.15.1 Packet listeners display details

The packet listeners screen displays the packet listeners that are currently running on the controller.

Screen component












Refreshes the information on the screen.








The role of the packet listener. Roles are one of the following:


















Examines the incoming packet. Might add processing hints to





the message context, but does not modify the packet out















Processes the packet. Might add actions or instructions to the





packet-out message. Can instruct the controller to block the





packet, or to send the packet out.










A passive observer who might examine the incoming packet




and any packet-out response.








Packets are given to packet listeners with role of ADVISOR first, DIRECTOR second,



and OBSERVER third. Every packet listener is guaranteed to see the packet-in message.



Depending on the action taken by higher altitude Directors, a lower altitude Director



may be too late to influence the packet processing.








The weight or priority this packet listener should have relative to other packet listeners



that have the same role. The controller gives packet listeners with higher numbers



priority over packet listeners with lower numbers.






Average (ms)


The average time, in milliseconds, that the packet listener spent processing a packet.






# Samples


The number of packets processed by that packet listener since the packet listener











3.15 Packet listeners display