Administering disks 107


Adding swap volumes to a VxVM rootable system

To add a swap volume to an HP-UX system with a VxVM root disk

1Initialize the disk that is to be used to hold the swap volume (for example, c2t5d0), and add it to the boot disk group with the disk media name “swapdisk”:

#/etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i c2t5d0

#vxdg -g bootdg adddisk swapdisk=c2t5d0

2Create a VxVM volume on swapdisk (with a size of 4 gigabytes in this example):

#vxassist -g bootdg -U swap make swapvol1 4g dm:swapdisk

In this example, the size of the volume is 4 gigabytes.

3Add the volume to the /etc/fstab file, and enable the volume as a swap device.

#echo "/dev/vx/dsk/bootdg/swapvol1 - swap defaults 0 0" \ >> /etc/fstab

#swapon -a

4View the changed swap configuration:


Adding persistent dump volumes to a VxVM rootable system

A persistent dump volume is used when creating crash dumps, which are eventually saved in the /var/adm/crash directory. A maximum of ten VxVM volumes can be configured as persistent dump volumes.

To add a persistent dump volume to an HP-UX system with a VxVM root disk

1Create the VxVM volume that is to be used as the dump volume in the boot disk group:

# vxassist -g bootdg make dumpvol 5g

In this example, the size of the volume is 5 gigabytes.

2Display the configuration of the volume:

#vxprint -g bootdg

3Display the initial crash dump configuration:

#crashconf -v

4Add the volume as a persistent dump device to the crash dump configuration:

#crashconf -s /dev/vx/dsk/bootdg/dumpvol

5Display the new crash dump configuration:

# crashconf -v

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HP Veritas Volume Manager 5.0 -UX 11i v3 manual Adding swap volumes to a VxVM rootable system