Creating volumes

Creating a volume on specific disks

Figure 7-2

Example of using ordered allocation to create a striped-mirror



Underlying mirrored volumes

Column 1

Column 2





Column 1

Column 2




Striped plex


Striped-mirror volume

Additionally, you can use the col_switch attribute to specify how to concatenate space on the disks into columns. For example, the following command creates a mirrored-stripe volume with 2 columns:

#vxassist -b -g mydg -o ordered make strmir2vol 10g \ layout=mirror-stripe ncol=2 col_switch=3g,2g \

mydg01 mydg02 mydg03 mydg04 mydg05 mydg06 mydg07 mydg08

This command allocates 3 gigabytes from mydg01 and 2 gigabytes from mydg02 to column 1, and 3 gigabytes from mydg03 and 2 gigabytes from mydg04 to column 2. The mirrors of these columns are then similarly formed from disks mydg05 through mydg08. This arrangement is illustrated in Figure 7-3.

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Image 245
HP Veritas Volume Manager 5.0 -UX 11i v3 manual Mydg01 mydg02 mydg03 mydg04 mydg05 mydg06 mydg07 mydg08