Administering cluster functionality

Multiple host failover configurations


For details on how to clear locks and force an import, see “Moving disk groups between systems” on page 185 and the vxdg(1M) manual page.

Corruption of disk group configuration

If vxdg import is used with -C(clears locks) and/or -f(forces import) to import a disk group that is still in use from another host, disk group configuration corruption is likely to occur. Volume content corruption is also likely if a file system or database is started on the imported volumes before the other host crashes or shuts down.

If this kind of corruption occurs, you must probably rebuild your configuration from scratch and reload all volumes in the disk group from a backup. To backup and rebuild the configuration, if nothing has changed, use vxprint -mspvdand store the output which can be fed to vxmake to restore the layouts. There are typically numerous configuration copies for each disk group, but corruption nearly always affects all configuration copies, so redundancy does not help in this case.

Disk group configuration corruption usually shows up as missing or duplicate records in the configuration databases. This can result in a variety of vxconfigd error messages

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-569 Disk group group,Disk disk:Cannot auto-import group: reason

where the reason can describe errors such as:

Association not resolved

Association count is incorrect

Duplicate record in configuration

Configuration records are inconsistent

These errors are typically reported in association with specific disk group configuration copies, but usually apply to all copies. The following is usually displayed along with the error:

Disk group has no valid configuration copies

See the Veritas Volume Manager Troubleshooting Guide for more information on Veritas Volume Manager error messages.

If you use the Veritas Cluster Server product, all disk group failover issues can be managed correctly. VCS includes a high availability monitor and includes failover scripts for VxVM, VxFS, and for several popular databases.

The -toption to vxdg prevents automatic re-imports on reboot and is necessary when used with a host monitor (such as VCS) that controls imports itself, rather than relying on automatic imports by Veritas Volume Manager.

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HP Veritas Volume Manager 5.0 -UX 11i v3 manual Corruption of disk group configuration