LUN group failover 126 LUN groups

displaying details of 140 LUNs

idle 477



adding to volumes 274 usage with volumes 237

master node defined 400 discovering 420

maxautogrow attribute 322 maxdev attribute 189 MC/ServiceGuard

use with VxVM in clusters 410 memory

granularity of allocation by VxVM 482 maximum size of pool for VxVM 483 minimum size of pool for VxVM 485 persistence of FastResync in 67


complete disk failure 384 hot-relocation of subdisks 390 partial disk failure 383

metadata 177 metadevices 78 metanodes

DMP 126

migrating between DMP and native multipathing 130

minimum queue load balancing policy 150 minor numbers 187

mirbrk snapshot type 343 mirdg attribute 332 mirrored volumes

adding DRL logs 281

adding sequential DRL logs 281 changing read policies for 289 checking existence of mirrored DRL 450 checking existence of without DRL 450 configuring VxVM to create by default 272 creating 249

creating across controllers 247, 255 creating across enclosures 255 creating across targets 245 defined 236

dirty region logging 60

Index 541

DRL 60 FastResync 60 FR 60 logging 60 performance 464 removing DRL logs 282

removing sequential DRL logs 282 snapshots 66

mirrored-concatenated volumes converting to concatenated-mirror 300 creating 249

defined 43 mirrored-stripe volumes

benefits of 42

checking configuration 453 converting to striped-mirror 300 creating 254

defined 236 performance 465

mirroring defined 42 guidelines 514

mirroring controllers 514 mirroring plus striping 43 mirrors

adding to volumes 271 boot disk 103

creating of VxVM root disk 104 creating snapshot 349 defined 33

removing from volumes 273 specifying number of 249

mirvol attribute 331 mirvol snapshot type 343 multipathing

disabling 133

displaying information about 137 enabling 134

native to HP-UX 77 Multi-Volume Support 361



changing for disk groups 183 defining for snapshot volumes 352 device 20, 77

disk 77

disk media 28, 77 plex 31

Page 540
Image 540
HP Veritas Volume Manager 5.0 -UX 11i v3 manual