Index 545

performance of 466 prefer 289

round 289 select 289

siteread 289, 433, 434, 436 split 289

read-only mode 402 readonly mode 402 RECOVER plex condition 228 recovery

checkpoint interval 479 I/O delay 479

preventing on restarting volumes 271 recovery accelerator 62

recovery time

Storage Expert rules 449 redo log configuration 63 redundancy

checking for volumes 452 of data on mirrors 236 of data on RAID-5 236

redundant-loop access 25 region 80

regionsize attribute 275, 321, 322 reinitialization of disks 101 relayout

changing number of columns 298 changing region size 299 changing speed of 299 changing stripe unit size 298 combining with conversion 300 controlling progress of 299 limitations 57

monitoring tasks for 299 online 54

pausing 299 performing online 294 resuming 299 reversing direction of 300 specifying non-default 298 specifying plexes 298 specifying task tags for 298 storage 54

transformation characteristics 58 types of transformation 295 viewing status of 299

relocation automatic 379

complete failure messages 384

limitations 381

partial failure messages 383 Remote Mirror feature

administering 431 remote mirrors

administering 431 REMOVED plex condition 228 removing disks 112 removing physical disks 110 replacing disks 112

replay logs and sequential DRL 61 REPLAY volume state 266 resilvering

databases 62

restoration of disk group configuration 213 restore policy

check_all 160 check_alternate 160 check_disabled 160 check_periodic 160

restored daemon 128 restrictions

VxVM-bootable volumes 103 resyncfromoriginal snapback 317 resyncfromreplica snapback 317 resynchronization

checkpoint interval 479 I/O delay 479

of volumes 59 resynchronizing

databases 62 root disk

creating mirrors 104 root disk group 28, 165 root disks

creating LVM from VxVM 106 creating VxVM 104 removing LVM 105

root mirrors checking 454

root volumes booting 104

rootability 102 checking 454

rootdg 28

round read policy 289 round-robin

load balancing 150 performance of read policy 466

Page 544
Image 544
HP Veritas Volume Manager 5.0 -UX 11i v3 manual