•Accessing Storage Logical Partition 0 (SLPR 0) and Cache Logical Partition 0 (CLPR 0)
•Managing mainframe volumes
•Storage Partition Administrators can view and manage only those resources that have been as- signed to a specific storage logical partition. Storage partition administrators have access only to the functions listed below. If a storage partition administrator is not granted write access to a particular function, view access is available.
•System Information
•Information (Read Only)
•LUN Manager
•Volume Manager
•LUN Expansion
•Customized Volume
•Cache Residency
•XP Auto LUN / Perf Ctl / Perf Mon
•XP Performance Monitor
•XP Auto LUN
•Data Retention Utility
For detailed information on each function, see the manual for each program product. For instructions on creating storage partition administrators and granting write access to one or more products, see the HP StorageWorks XP24000/XP20000 Remote Web Console User's Guide. For information about the functions that are not available for storage partition administrators, also see the HP StorageWorks XP24000/XP20000 Remote Web Console User's Guide.