Key Type
Permitted Volumes
The license type: Permanent, Temporary or Emergency. Not Installed is displayed, when the option is not installed. Since all the SLPRs will be available when the key type of the program product is Temporary or Emergency, you do not need to separate each SLPR. Therefore, no partition status information for the program product whose key type is Temporary or Emergency will be displayed in the License Key Partition Definition window, so that you cannot partition the SLPR for that program product.
Unlimited is displayed if the size is unlimited.
Capacity Information:
•Available capacity (licensed capacity). Licensed capacities are calculated assuming that 1 KB = 1,024 bytes, 1 MB = 1,024 KB, 1 GB = 1,024 MB, and 1 TB = 1,024 GB.
•Capacity that is already being used. For example, if this column shows 10.0 TB (2.50 TB), the licensed capacity is 10.0 TB and the capacity already being used is 2.50 TB.
•Unlimited is displayed if the size is unlimited.
Term (days)
The number of days that remain before temporary or emergency key expiration. After the temporary key has expired, this column shows the number of days that remain before you can
The option's current status:
•Installed indicates that the option is available. The Product Name column displays the In- stalled icon ().
•Not Installed indicates that the option is not available. The Product Name column displays the Not Installed icon ().
•Not Enough indicates that the volume capacity is insufficient. The Product Name column displays the Not Installed icon ().
•Capacity Insufficient indicates that the licensed capacity is insufficient because disk drives have been added. The Product Name column displays the Installed icon (), but you must purchase additional licensed capacity before the license key expires.
•Expired indicates that the license key of an option that had been in the Capacity Insufficient status has expired. The Product Name column displays the Not Installed icon ().
•Time Out indicates that the term has already expired for the temporary key. The Product Name column displays the Not Installed icon ().
When you select an option, the capacity list, which is directly under the Product Name list, is updated (see Figure 11).
Figure 11 Capacity List
Table 7 Capacity List Details
Total Capacity
Remaining Capacity
Total licensed capacity for the selected option.
The remaining licensed capacity (in GB) that is not yet allocated to any SLPR among the entire licensed capacity for the selected option.
26 Using the XP Disk/Cache Partition GUI