4 Using the XP Disk/Cache Partition GUI
This chapter describes the windows that comprise the XP Disk/Cache Partition GUI.
•Logical Partition Window, page 17
•Storage Management Logical Partition Window, page 19
•Cache Logical Partition Window, page 21
•Select CU Dialog Box, page 23
•License Key Partition Definition Window, page 24
Logical Partition Window
To open the Partition Definition window, from the XP Remote Web Console main window click Go, then Environmental Settings. Select Partition Definition , and then select a storage system in the Logical Partition tree. If you are logged on as a storage partition administrator, this window shows only the resources in that storage partition.
The Logical Partition window has the following features.
XP24000/XP20000 Disk/Cache Partition User's Guide | 17 |