Viewing Configuration Info
Item | Green icon |
WCDMA The WCDMA network is available.
Red icon
The WCDMA network is unavailable.
3Click Refresh to view the current status on the advanced status page.
Optimized Settings
Note | If the device is registered with |
| other network modes, the |
| corresponding network connection |
| status is displayed. |
SIG The signal strength from weak to strong is shown as follows:
Viewing Configuration Info
On the configuration page, you can view the current parameter configuration information and the network connection status.
1Click Basic Status.
2Click Advanced on the right part of the page to view the advanced status.
In this page you can download a executable program which will modify some parameters in system. These parameters will improve wlan's speed of transmission and increase the upload speed of Internet Explorer if its version is lower than IE 6.0.
Note | The executable program just needs to run once |
| on each computer and the parameters will take |
| effect after your system is rebooted. |
1Click Optimize.
2Click Optimize download a executable program .
Quick Setup
You can use the quick setup wizard to configure and maintain the basic parameters of the device. Click Quick Setup to access the welcome page. Click Next to configure the PPP profile settings.