software updates you have downloaded or any files on your microSD card, such as music clips or photos.
1.On the Settingsscreen, touch Privacy> Factorydatareset.
2.When prompted, touch Reset phone, and then touch Eraseeverything. The mobile phone resets the settings to the original factory settings, and then restarts.
12.9 Online Update
Your mobile phone has
1.Back up you personal information. All personal information will be removed after the update.
2.Make sure that your microSD card has sufficient space to store the new software version.
3.Perform the online update following the
13 Appendix
13.1 Warnings and Precautions
This section contains important information pertaining to the operating instructions of your device. It also contains information about how to use the device safely. Read this information carefully before using your device.
Electronic Device
Power off your device if using the device is prohibited. Do not use the device when using the device causes danger or interference with electronic devices.
Medical Device
•Follow rules and regulations set forth by hospitals and health care facilities. Do not use your device when using the device is prohibited.
•Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum distance of 5.9 inches (15 cm) be maintained between a device and a pacemaker to prevent potential