V-CHIP Operation
Before proceeding with the TV Parental Guide Rating, please read the following to content labels.
TV Parental Guide Rating
This procedure allows parents to block programs that contains TV Parental Guide Ratings they consider inappropriate. Content labels are designed to indicate specific contents of TV programs within each TV Parental Guide Rating.
For example, if a program rated
TV Parental Guidelines may have one or more letters added to the basic rating to let parent know that a program contains higher levels of potentially offensive material.
Note that the content Label should be considered with respect to its associated rating.
For example, a “V”label is likely to designate considerably more intense violence when associated with a
Note : Each rating has a different set of content labels that you can choose to block or View. Labels that show
Refer to the rating and content label guides on the following pages.
V | Violence | D | Suggestive dialogue |
S | Sexual situations | FV | Fantasy violence |
L | Coarse or crude indecent language |
Note :
•You do not need to block each TV Parental Guide rating individually.The
For example, if you choose a program with a
Content Labels
•Also note that you have the option of pass or block programs based on their content label (D,L,S,V,FV) without necessarily blocking all programs that carry a special rating. For example, you may pass some