The VIEW key is used to cycle through all available views. Press the VIEW key to advance to the next view. Repeatedly pressing VIEW cycles through all views available. Views can be hidden to optimize the system to

your fishing requirements (seeViews or Views Menu Tab).

NOTE: Press the EXIT key to cycle through the views in reverse order.


Press the INFO key while in Bird's Eye, Chart, or Combo View to display information about objects that are near an active cursor. If the cursor is not active, the Chart Info submenu will be displayed. See

Views: Viewing Cartography for more information.

NOTE: Your control head will have one of the keys shown here. Both keys function in the same way.


The M ENU k ey is used to ac cess the m enu system. See The Menu System for more information.

Start-Up Opt ions Menu: Press the MENU key during the powe r up sequence to view the Start-Up Options menu.

X-Press™ Menu: Press the MENU key once in any view to access the X-Press™ Menu, whi ch pro vides freq uently-used m enu settings that correspond with the current view or navigation mode.

Main Menu: Press the MENU key twice in any view to access the Main Menu, which is organized un der ta bbed head ings t o help you find a specific menu item quickly.


Key Functions