Course Projection Line

Settings: Hidden, Visible; Default = Visible

Course Projection Line allows you to display or hide an arrow extending from the bow of the boat that projects your current course, and shows where the boat will go if you continue on your present course.

Clear Map Offset


Settings: Follow screen instructions to activate.

Clear Map Offset allows you t o clear t he Map Offset. The Clear Map Offset menu option is available when Map Offset is active.

Export All Nav Data

Settings: Follow screen instructions to activate.

Export A ll Nav Da ta allows you to expo rt all saved Tracks, Waypoints, and Routes to an MMC/SD card. If an MMC card isn’t installed, an error message will be di splayed. Insert the MMC card and tr y a gain. See Introduction to Navigation for more information.

Delete All Nav Data


Settings: Follow screen instructions to activate.

This menu option should be used with caution!

Delete All Nav Dat a allows y ou to delete all saved Tr acks, Waypoints, and Routes.

Navigation Menu Tab